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Breakfast Beginnings

Breakfast Beginnings

It has been said that breakfast is the most essential meal of the day for both kids and adults. Here are several reasons why:

1. Superior Start
Several scientific studies have revealed that people who eat breakfast are more likely to weigh less than their peers who tend to skip this meal. While the reason has not yet been completely determined, a popular theory states that consuming breakfast reduces hunger during the remainder of the day. 1, 2

2. Power Breakfast = Better Performance
Having breakfast leads to better performance, especially for children and teens. A study by the American Dietetic Association has revealed that kids who regularly have this meal tend to deliver better output both in the classroom and even while playing, allowing them to have more fun and enjoy experiences for longer periods of time.2

Of course, such studies are based on the consumption of a healthy breakfast. Like all meals, these should should be high in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The best basis for determining the suitability of each meal is the Food Pyramid, which is a recognized dietary guideline made by health and nutrition authorities. You can get more information on the Food Pyramid here:

Be sure to serve your kids breakfast together with a glass of Lactum 3+/6+, which can help provide 100% nourishment* as it has essential nutrients found in the food groups of the Food Pyramid.




*with 3 balanced meals a day

1 Source: The Relationship of Breakfast and Cereal Consumption to Nutrient Intake and Body Mass Index
2 Source: Breakfast Habits, Nutritional Status, Body Weight, and Academic Performance in Children and Adolescents


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